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Technical Security Solutions

Customized to meet your specific business needs

Our Solutions

FOS Security is an independent cybersecurity consultancy. Our quality is demonstrated through research, publications and global training.

Our Solutions

FOS Security is an independent cybersecurity consultancy. Our quality is demonstrated through research, publications and global training.

Adversary Emulation

Adversary Simulations provide a deep, intelligence driven penetration test of your organization, incorporating the people, processes and technology to provide a real-world outlook on its cyber resilience.

Training & Skill Development

Our in-house cybersecurity academy provides training for individuals and corporate partners. Students are given access to a private learning dashboard for their courses.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a standard, cost-effective method of providing third-party assurance of a system’s security from an attacker’s perspective. Our certified team can provide a range of tailored services to meet the requirements of your organization.

Risk Assessment Benefits

Here are some of the benefits of leveraging our solutions

Improve the security of your organization by reducing the risk of a data breach or other malicious attack. FOS Security uses cutting-edge technology that provides automated vulnerability testing supported by a team of experts to help you mitigate risk.

Show your C-Suite a proactive approach to vulnerability management with automated reporting and Plans of Action to help prioritize and mitigate risks discovered during your assessments.

Provide your cyber insurer with due diligence to help drive down premium costs. Ensure you are covered by demonstrating you understand your risks and have a prioritized plan to address them.

Which solution is right for you?

Adversary Emulation


Penetration Testing

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